Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Alice in Wonderland is not child-appropriate. I actually thought I hadn't seen it all the way through, 'cause I had no sense of what it was about, but when Sarah, Stephanie, and I watched it last night, it made sense that I couldn't actually remember. There was nothing to hold anything together from one scene to another, but I *had* seen it, perhaps several times. And I'm not surprised that I didn't like it. Everyone is cruel. The nonsense is so severe that my brain felt assaulted.

Today is a bright, sunny day in mid-March, and it is BITTERLY cold. I keep trying to tell myself, "Enjoy this cold right now, 'cause you'll miss it next winter in Ohio," but it's a little hard to appreciate when I don't have my scarf.

At some point, someone mentioned getting a fun color put in their hair, and it got turned into, "Let's all get our hair done!!" Which is exactly what happened last Thursday and Friday. I forgot my camera for Sarah's appointment, though, so you'll have to be satisfied with some day after shots.

This is Thomas, who is magical with giving you what you want for your hair.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

en route

Nothing quite like a six am flight back to Antigonish. Be seeing you soon, homies. Homeys? Whatever.