Friday, December 04, 2009

X-Ring Yearning

Lip gloss is a pretty cruel joke. On the one hand, that "glossy luster with subtle (or not so subtle) color" is supposed to be really sexy, and when do you see a girl who's sexy without shiny lips? But on the other hand, if you're actually going to be kissing that girl, that must not be so great. It seems like it would be...messy. I'm just trying to imagine this from a guy's perspective, since it's obviously different when you're the one used to wearing something on your lips. Perhaps this is the equivalent of having your face rubbed raw from kissing a guy with stubble. Just one of those things that comes with the territory. At least we know for sure that kissing cherry chapstick is nice, thanks to Katy Perry. :-P

X-Ring was yesterday, and so my Facebook news feed is filled with everyone's pictures and congratulations, making me miss my friends and StFX. In particular, my roomies Sarah and Stephanie got theirs this year (congratulations!!!), and seeing them get it together makes me wish we'd all gotten it at the same time. The Lovely Ladies of 69 all out with our new bling would be great.

I can't wear my X-Ring to work, actually, which means that I rarely have mine on lately. Also, work makes my hands swell a bit, so it just doesn't fit as well, ergh.

I'm attempting to get everyone's Christmas presents done this year...but don't hold your breath, as usual. :-P