Soo, to start things off, I made my first bread a couple of weeks ago. It was perilous, as it poked itself (I certainly wasn't the one who bumped it) against the rack in the oven, making it de-poof. But, all in all, it still turned out pretty good. My thanks to Wayne for the bread-making lesson, and for letting me use a recipe that is apparently his own creation. Despite a certain lack of circularity, it was delicious.
About two weeks ago, we had a really warm day, things began to thaw out, and the very day after I thought to myself, "I can see our sidewalk through the ice!" a snowstorm hit. Then last Sunday, the weather was beautiful and fine. And on Monday, we got like 25 cm, again. I took a ph
I just have to say, a million thanks to Ben and Julie for getting me a pair of boots the Christmas of my first year. I've worn them almost every day the last two winters, and I don't know what I would have done without them, this year especially. They work really well, are holding up great, and aren't even salt-stained. I think they're from Target.
Well, I have more to say, but my nails are dry, and it's three in the morning. I've been going to bed at five lately, and I need to curb that. Last day of classes is this coming Wednesday! Feeling so nostalgic.