Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I can't spell out loud

I have a bad habit of switching letters around when I'm spelling out loud. I switch my Cs and Ss, Ys and Is, and a couple of other pairs of letters. Maybe this is why I'm abysmal at spelling bees. Either way, I usually have to think slowly and carefully before I spell something out loud, which made yesterday not very surprising to me, but nonetheless a classic moment that I thought I'd tell before someone else gets the chance.

Ben, Anne, and I were sittign in North Star having a drink and a crazy cookie, and Ben was saying we should just tell landlords we're sorry, but we can't do more than $1,000 a month for rent. I said I wasn't good at lines like that. They both protested that it wasn't lying at all. I tried to say, "No, LINES, I'm not good at LINES. "No, we really just had that talk, Mandy, and we don't want to do more than $1,000." To which I regrettably responded, "No, LINES, L-Y-N-E-S, LINES."

Ben and Anne got a big kick outof this, and I have a feeling it will follow me like my mispronunciations of awry, hearth, and Yosemite, and chasm.