Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yay, work and more official documentation!!

Well, ladies and gentleman, I am so official and legal and all-around legit that it's just ridiculous. After I got my work permit I got my Social Insurance Number, and opened up a bank account (again) in town. I'd had one here earlier, but I hated the fees associated with Canadian banks. Even the student accounts are like, "These are student checking accounts 'cause we're charging you a little less." Evil, if you ask me.

Work is fun. I spend most of my time with two fantastic ladies, Paula and Erin. Paula's the head of wardrobe, and does most of the sewing. Erin's the costume designer, and handles the rest of the sewing. I'm the wardrobe assistant, and I do all the odd jobs, organizing, laundry between the shows, maintaining between the shows, and help with all the quick changes backstage. Erin lives in Montreal, and just finished her degree in Design for Theatre, and she has a diploma in Textiles also, which is really cool.

Paula has been volunteering for the last year or so with the Bauer (it's a volunteer sort of thing during the academic year, then turns into Festival Antigonish during the summer), and is now being employed by Festival Antigonish. She has three (three?) lovely kids.

What's fun is all the cool stuff that Paula and Erin have been showing me how to do. They're constantly showing me little tricks to do, or giving me good advice. And generally, I just have a lot of fun sitting down in teh basement of the theatre with them talking.

It's really fun, 'cause I'm never doing the same thing (except for show nights). What I am a little disappointed by, though, is the hours. It's supposed to be a 4o hrs/wk job, but that some weeks I work more, and others I work less, and it just all balances out. But I hadn't realized that performances are essentially every night of the week (no Sundays), and I work every performance, so anything earlier than 10pm is just sort of cut out. I don't know why I was picturing like three performances a week, but I was.

I am pretty entertained by Roombas. And sort of interested in maybe eventually getting one, actually.

Right now the Highland Games are going in, which is a Big To-Do in Antigonish, but it seems a bit more like a tourist trap than anything else. There are beer tents up toight and last night, but I don't know what they are, and don't have any money to go in and find out. When people heard that I didn't know what a beer tent was it apparently revealed how much I'm not from the East Coast. Or is this a common thing everywhere?

Thank you sooooo much for Sidereel, Jaime. It's not like I can't access any sites, it's just things like NBC or whatever that are obnoxious. To be honest, I mostly use Youku or Tudou. I've been watching 30 Rock to my heart's content, though.

Okay, I have to go ot bed. I am le tired.