Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Introducing: My Housemates

There are two.

Housemate #1:

Sarah. She's from Newfoundland, and I met her from hanging out with Nick this last year. She transferred from Dal, and is a couple years older than me. You'll recall she was the little kid in The Yelling Bee. She's majoring in Information Systems, and is great at designing graphics and dresses out of weird things (strips of paper, condoms). She's the student union vice president of communications, which is actually pretty cool.

Housemate #2:

Andrew. Our third roommate was Stella, a friend of Sarah's from Dal(housie) I hadn't met yet. She subletted her room for the summer, though, and Andrew is that guy. We can sit around being dorky together. He likes Cowboy Bebop, and got me into Battlestar Galactica, and has the series for Ghost in Shell, and I'd just watched the movie. He works at teh local pizza store that people only like if they're drunk, unless they're a local, in which case they think it's the best pizza ever. Oh, and he's a local. Thanks to his DVD collection, I also watched all of Full Metal Alchemist (fuuun) and Samurai 7. Wow, I've wasted a lot of time this summer. Though Andrew would say it was time well spent.Eating a burger on the floor just makes it more delicious.