Saturday, November 01, 2008

My goings-on of late

I am experimenting with beets. Right now. As we speak. While also looking up classic cottage designs.

That is, I would be experimenting with beets if I could get this frickin jar open. The couple next door cans a lot, so they kept dropping off jars of pickles and jams and beets and pickled cauliflower and such. Once they even gave us dilly beans, which has been my favorite so far. I hope htey're not looking in hte window watching me beat this jar to high heaven with a fork. Ah-HA. The scissors worked.

...I'm skeptical. This smells foul.

I've just realized what makes me wary of beets, besides their unnatural purplish color. They look like that cranberry relish in that gelatin form of thing that some people have at Thanksgiving. I was somehow protected from that gross, terrible concoction thanks to always having Thanksgiving at home, until freshman year I made that little microwave version of a Thanksgiving dinner, and bought a can of "whole cranberry" cranberry relish. I was so shocked. Anyways. Beets look like that all gelatin-y one.

Conclusion: Beets are terrible.

I'm completely addicted to Freecell