Monday, January 26, 2009

Phase I

I am sewing something, and I'm actually getting paid for it. This is pretty eventful for me. However, it all needs to be finished by Wednesday at the latest, and there's quite a bit of work to be done. There are two different chunks of this project. Today, I completed phase I. Tomorrow, I'll be staying home from classes in an attempt to complete phase II. Go ahead, judge, but I care more about not disappointing the people who really want this to look lovely than I care about missing a day of notes.

So, here is my night.

Things started out pretty tame. There was some green tea.

There was some more green tea.

Quite a few mugs of green tea later (which always went cold), there was the satisfying moment of pulling out pins. I was pretty happy.

And now, I'm going to bed!

Other events of note: I found my first grey hair two days ago. I'm kind of confused about how that was possible, though, because it was grey all hte way through where I had dyed my hair, whenever it is that I last did it. Anyways, that's a pretty great moment for anyone. I hope I go totally silver/white. Or cool salt and peppery.