I was going to take some photos of the final product, but I wasn't able to get into the Inn (the campus bar) last night, 'cause they were at capacity like all night. So I'll just tell you, I made a banner with theu's logo on it to hang at hte back of the stage, and curtains for the sides. I also made a swag type of thing for above the top of the stage, but it was used instead to decorate the table seating the candidates for hte debate for the upcoming election.
...Days later I'm continuing this entry. I went to the Inn last night, and all my stuff was still up, so I was like, "sweet, picture time." In other news, the reason I was at the Inn is because Picnicface was performing. For those of you outside the area, you might know Picnicface from their Powerthirst video. I'd always liked the Powerthirst video, but not been too impressed by some fo their other stuff, and a video that I saw of them live, so I didn't really know whether to be excited abotu the night or not. Picnicface did not let me down, though. It was awesome. The student union has brought in comedy acts before, all of which I thought were absolutely horrifyingly terrible. They relied entirely on tasteless sex jokes whose only humor was in how off-color and embarrassing they were. I can take sex humor as well as the next guy, but this was beyond the pale. It was really only shock value. Anyways! So imagine how pleasantly surprised I was when the two guys from Picnicface were awesome and hilarious.
I was completely in love with the sweater one fo the guys from Picnicface was wearing. Before I even knew he was...damn, my shirt's on inside out. That's pretty embarrassing.I'm pretty curious about how long it's been inside out, since right now it's 1am. As I was saying, though, when I just saw hte guy in the bar before performing, I fell in love with his sweater. If possible, I would have stolen it. But that would have been preeeetty difficult.
So! The end of hte story is, I got to take a picture of the final product. I specifically didn't answer Edmundo's question about what I was making on my last post (on Fa
Brad posted his Snobfest 2008 a while ago on his blog in a convenient zipped folder. I really like most of the songs (with a couple of exceptions--Party Crashin'...actually, that's the only song on the whole list I don't like. I'm sort of meh about Set In Stone by Catfish Haven, though), but I thought I'd mention a few that I can't get enough of playing right now. First, Somebody Somewhere by Cazals is my favorite song of the moment. Also Bright Side (couldn't find a good video for this). The others are really great, too. Even the weird and surprising rap on there. So go take advantage of Brad's Snobfest if you haven't already!
This entry is dragging on into long territory, so I'll just wrap things up by mentioning that I spent hte last two days making a shirt from the scraps of fabric I used for the union, and the incredibly surprising thing is it looks pretty cool. I'll take photos of it when I wear it out. Probably for Sarah's birthday next weekend.
Oh, I went and saw Waiting for Godot tonight. MAN I hate Beckett. And then went and flaunted my terrible pool skills at Dooley's.