Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lots of Pregnancy Talk + Changing Table

I've graduated to appointments every other week now at the OB/GYN!  Movin' on up.  My belly's measuring a little small.  At 30 weeks I was 28.5cm.  Still within normal limits, but on the smaller side.

I'm very happy right now, because for more than 24 hours I've had some pains that you would think are Braxton Hicks but are really painful.  Their sporadic timing means I'm not too worried.  The amount that they hurt, though, means I am worried about what actual labor is going to be like.  Between how I've been reacting to this, as well as to my back pain and crazy gas (which is to say I've been a WUSS), Ernesto thinks I'm going to walk up to the registration desk at the hospital and say, "Hello, I'd like an epidural."  But the reason that I'm happy right now is that it's been at least an hour since I had one, so maybe they're gone! (for now)

Something that isn't baby-related and happening in my life right now...hmmm...nope, I've got nothing.  In more baby-related stuff, I've started taking some things from my Pinterest baby board, To Raise, and putting together a registry of things I actually plan to buy on Amazon.  The whole process is making me feel less stressed, as I realize that what we need isn't really that much.  And a lot of those things aren't even essential.  The little baby sun protector hat?  Just don't take the baby outside!  Solved.  No bath tub?  Put it in the sink (although our sink is usually pretttttty dirty).  You guys should check it out and provide feedback on things that are on there.  For instance, I've got a diaper cream listed, but maybe some of you mommy-daddy types have a recommendation for a type you think is better.

Oh, also, apparently every baby shampoo + body wash is going to kill babies, which is a surprise to me.  So I've given up and just put some Johnson & Johnson product on there.  Hopefully the baby will survive it.  :-P

On to the crux of this post!  Four or five months ago, I bought this bad boy of a dresser to use as a changing table.  It was a sad mish mash of three or four different shades of white, and also sported some stains and chips in the wood.  So it's sat in our garage until the weather was warm enough to "refinish" it (just a light sanding), and paint it one shade of cream.  Here it is in the nursery, looking very nice if I do say so myself.  It's solid wood, really nicely constructed, and I picked it up for like $40.  I love a good Craigslist find!