Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lucky Last Night

Last night, Ernesto and I were very lucky.  We had a dryer fire, and it didn't burn down the house.  We were using the vent tubing that was already there when we bought the house, 'cause it was already so neatly attached to the exterior, and I was too lazy to switch it out.  BUT it was that vinyl-y type of tubing.  Rather than worrying about fire hazard, I instead thought, "Wow, this is so much more flexible and easy to maneuver than aluminum."  Doh!  When I went downstairs last night, all of that conveniently flexible, vinyl-y tubing had burnt, leaving only red-hot wire running through it.

The entire basement was filled with the noxious smoke of whatever that plastic, vinyl-like material was.  This really concerned Ernesto, who worried about us being poisoned by it.  So even though there was a rollicking thunderstorm going on (our power also went out), we opened up all our windows in the house in an attempt to achieve reasonable ventilation.  Sleeping last night was very humid.

Luckily, we didn't have very many other flammable items near that duct work.  What was there, though, was the cover of the car seat Dad and Lyuda gave us.  I'm very impressed with Graco's fabric.  It didn't ignite at all.  It just melted where the coils fell onto it.  As part of Ernesto protecting us from noxious fumes, he put the car seat cover outside.  This morning, it had at least five caterpillars on it, as well as many spiders.  I was thinking I could sew a new cover over the batting of the first one, but unfortunately when it melted, the batting hardened into its new shape.  I don't see much in the way of replacement covers available online (for a reasonable price), so I'm considering just getting a new car seat. :(

Caterpillars enjoyed the car seat cover

Melty, hard damage

In other news, you guys have to admire my Best Ever Craigslist Find.  It's a couch from Restoration Hardware.  Ten years old, but in *great* condition.  Some stains.  We're putting it in the family room that we're crafting to be kid-friendly, so we can have terrible things happen to it and not cry.  How much did we get this gem for?  FIFTY BUCKS!  Damn.

Ernesto and I went to a community garage sale.  Pushy ladies made me feel pressured to buy things, so by the time we were done, I had bought four little baby outfits.

Also, Miladys sent us a little outfit for the baby for Mother's Day.  It's very soft, and also has a matching blanket.  Thanks, Miladys!