Saturday, July 06, 2013

Diapers and Knitting

I plan on giving cloth diapers a try.  I like the one size diapers, but even snapped down to their smallest size, they seem a bit too big for newborns.  So I've bought a few one size pocket diapers to give a try after this baby has grown out of newborn size.  While affordable in the long haul, cloth diapers cost a lot up front ($15-$20 per diaper).  Since I don't know if this is something I'm going to want to do, I've bought six super affordable ones from China on ebay.  The cloth diapering community calls them "China Cheapies."  Some people say they fall apart in the first wash, others say they can't tell the difference between them and the expensive ones.  Sounds like it's a bit of a crap shoot.  If I end up liking these, I'll invest in broadening our cloth diapering selection.  There are so many different kinds out there.  The only ones I have are pocket diapers, but it sounds like in the world of cloth diapering there's a kind of diaper for every situation.  So here are my lovelies that arrived today!!  The colors are kind of hard to see in my tungsten-y light, but it's bright yellow, soft yellow, bright green, mint green, bright orange, and cream.

Also, I realized how ridiculous it is that I haven't knit anything for this baby yet.  So with one week 'til my due date, I've begun a blanket!  The question is, how far from finished will I be when I deliver??