Thursday, July 04, 2013

Fourth of July

Exhibit A

NEW COUCHES.  I think that this might be the first brand new item of furniture I've ever owned as an adult.  Yes, they look pretty boring, but I really like the fabric up close.

Exhibit B

We went to one of many fireworks displays.  This one was in a park right next to Peoria's little zoo and botanical gardens. We watched the Peoria Municipal Band perform, though there were many other performances, too. The fireworks were long, but without variety.  I've decided to spare you fireworks pictures.  They all look the same.

Exhibit C

The little subdivision that I live in had a bicycle parade (like two blocks long).  It finished right in front of my house, with a neighbor grilling for the neighborhood. It concluded with the firetrucks that led the parade turning the fire house on for all the kids immediately in front of my house, to the delight of the kids.  As all the water poured endlessly out into the street, right in front of my house, I wanted to ask them to just turn the house a little to the left and hit my lawn as well.  :-P  I didn't go out and talk to people at all during this, because I was too shy.  Ernesto would have dragged me out to talk to people, but he's out of town this weekend.

Pregnancy Report

People, I am 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  Freak out, and also hope that I don't go into labor while Ernesto is away.  That would SUCK.  My belly is measuring like I'm 33 weeks pregnant, which I think is great (no stretch marks yet!!), but the baby is still measuring healthy. I'm not swollen, and I'm actually sleeping better than I was earlier in the pregnancy. I'm one lucky woman, so far. Also, I'm 1cm dilated and 50% effaced!  I've been like that for two weeks now, though, so I don't think it means much for my delivery time.

Also, I posted pictures of Ernesto in his sailing class on Facebook. Go check them out.  He went every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for 3 hours for a month.  I got the classes for him as a present, and I still feel like the best gift-giver ever.