Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Too Many Pictures of Amelia's First Week

Amelia was sort of bundled up in all those hospital photos.  She is, however, more of a free range baby.  She just chills out in her diaper.

Tried swaddling last night, and she woke up half as many times for feedings.  No more than three hours went by at the longest (don't worry, not starving her!), but as a result, I am very well rested and she was very hungry all morning.

Not looking forward to when she stops sleeping so much.

Good news: I had been worried I wasn't going to be very interested in Amelia, but it turns out that when your body manufactures a tiny person and pushes that tiny person out, you don't really have a choice.  I'm so relieved!

I also think that she is amazing.  Even though she's only six and a half pounds, she has so much muscle tone that she can hold her head up and support her own body weight on her legs when held up.  Her umbilical cord stump fell off on only her third day (glad I don't have to tip-toe around that).  She's peed and pooed like a champ, helping me to not worry about how breastfeeding is going.  And although Ernesto thinks she cries a lot, she's really relatively chill, so far.

I just spoke to Anne Marie on the phone, and she informed me that I don't need to worry about you guys feeling overwhelmed by too many pictures.  I tried to pick a selection that were not all her lying around with the same expression on her face.
Funny Face
Funny Face
Those Huggies diapers she's wearing suck.
Chilling after work
Anne Marie and Grandma Callahan are arriving in about...one hour or so.  So next week will be even more interesting! =-O