Monday, August 12, 2013

A Month Already

Ernesto and I are masters of diaper rash. Once it showed up on Amelia, we re-worked our diapering routine.  I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that if this girl gets diaper rash again, it will be because god personally decided to smite her.

She's a month old!  That's crazy.  That means that we're two weeks away from being within a pacifier-permissible age, two weeks away from my milk supply being well established enough to pump, and two weeks away from my postnatal appointment with the OB/GYN.  Pretty much, 6 weeks is the best number of weeks ever.

The only new development with Amelia is that she has a period of three hours or so that she cries inconsolably every evening. It starts almost precisely at 5, and ends around 8.  She cries inconsolably at other times, too, but not with this regularity of timing. It sucks.

Did I ever mention that the day we got back from the hospital, I also got my admissions letter to the counseling program at Bradley (a small university here in town)?  Plus a little bit of financial assistance. Classes start at the end of the month.  They're in the evenings, so Ernesto will watch Amelia while I'm gone. Thus my interest in beginning to pump. I'm excited to be on the path towards a career that I'm qualified for.

I don't have many new photos, but here she is in the capable hands of her abuelita.