Sunday, June 01, 2008

Once again, internet-less

We all suck at posting. But at least I have an excuse. Something wrong's with the router at my place, so I have no internet. I guess Anne has an excuse, too, 'cause she's moving.

At the moment, I'm watching Hellraiser. I have some movies rented right now that I'm sort of excited about seeing, like Annie Hall and Last Tango in Paris. I don't know if I wrote about this, but the second semester of this last year, I concentrated my efforts on seeing Movies That Should Be Seen. Annie Hall would fall into that category.

I did write an entry last week, but Martha likes to play on my keyboard, and I let her, 'cause she looks so cute batting at the screen, and sure enough she deleted the whole thing. I haven't taken pictures of my house yet, 'cause it's still pretty much a mess. I guess I can work on doing an introduction to my housemates entry. I have some unbelievably awesome decorating ideas for my room, though, and I hope to see those through before I take a picture for here. They'll probably never actually happen, though, prepared to never know what my room looks like. Either that, or pressure me to cave early.

Ben, you're not allowed to complain about to cat posts. Besides, I did say that I was going to be a crazy cat lady. Though Martha, it is true, isn't even mine. I love the updating of flickr that you're doing, so I get to see Ella and Sophie. Together those names are so delicate and feminine.

I have been collecting knitting patterns like a demon. Consider last year's non-existent Christmas presents and this coming year's to be the same, and I'll just try and make it worth the wait, and I'm starting to work on them now, as opposed to two weeks before Christmas. Hopefully this is a better technique.

Well...heading back to my internet-less house.