Well, I did what I knew I would do eventually. In an email to my professor, I *thought* I had copied a youtube link of the guy's cool stone henge project. But in fact, the
puppy video I had just pasted into a friend's MSN conversation was still copied.... So yeah. I sent my professor a link to the puppy video.
It had to happen sometime. Why didn't I double-check? Anyways, I don't actually care, I'm just really amused. Really. Amused.
almost up and running for Skype on my roomie's computer. I just have to ask if she minds me installing my phone's drivers.
Knitting is happening, but nothing will be revealed.
And other nefarious gifting schemes are also being hatched.
I am spending all of my money on buying meals between classes. Instead of taking Modern British Fiction, I'm taking Shakespeare. I opened up a play by Beckett, read a bit, and decided there was no way I was going to take a course on that material all year.
Pet peeve: dammit....what was it...right! I hate it when people HAVE the Google toolbar search engine thing, but instead they go to their address bar, type in www.google.com, and search on Google's homepage. What. is the point. of your toolbar? Why don't you remove it if you're not goign to use it? Gah.
I can't imagine how many things I must do that bug people.
I thought you'd all be relieved to know that I've moved past my issues with what bathroom stalls people pick. Sometimes I walk into a washroom and pick the center one just because.
Despite its keeping me away during North Carolina, I don't think anyone could have had a cooler summer job than mine. I had so much fun. Granted, it did take away every single evening of my entire summer (except Sundays), but it's not like I had anything better to do.
Sleep beckons. I'm enjoying all of my classes a ton. Drawing and Painting Botanicals is, surprisingly, my most stressful class. :-P