Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just so you're all updated

Everyone. is. sick.

This entire campus is just one giant vat of contagion. Being off campus tends to help insulate from the sick population, and it's almost amusing seeing entire dorms fall ill together, but when my housemate and her best friend got sick, I knew that buffer was gone. The three of us played Settlers together Saturday evening, and I woke up that night with the taste of being sick in my mouth. By Sunday morning, I was down for the count. I missed all my classes on Monday entirely legitimately. Today I only had one class, Shakespeare, and I got to cough and sniffle with every other person in the class, and for once didn't have to feel guilty for being one of the very few healthy people in teh room. I don't know how professors can stand trying to lecture over all the coughing.

Haha, it's really not that bad, but everyone is noticeably sick.

Well, I finished a knitting project which I think is both attractive and useful. And i'm about to start another that is so cool that I'm jealous. It's going to be hard giving these things away.

The student union does a really great job of getting bands to come perform. East coast bands. I hardly ever take advantage of it, but there's a free concert tonight featuring 4 bands, and I'd feel bad passing up the opportunity. There are just so many people there.

I'm abotu to start my first cable knitting project. I have a feeling it's not going to be even half as bad as I've been fearing.