Thursday, September 11, 2008

You're all sooooo sweet

My last post was my 400th post! Happy 400 to me.

But infinitely more important, is that I got the package from everyone at Cape Hatteras! It came totally out of the blue and unexpected. I was wandering around the house with my hair wrapped in a towel, when Sarah came upstairs with a package. What a perfect card, and what beeeautiful yarn (I happen to be a big fan of fine yarns, not bulky ones), and cute bag (I think I'm going to use it for a knitting bag, actually), and I laughed when I saw the Pop Tarts and knew that Ben was involved. :) Those are definitely only going to be brought out for a special occasion. They must be conserved. Hoarded.

Anyways, that was fantastic. Thank you guys so much!!!