Sunday, April 06, 2008

gettin my blogging groove on

Thanks for the e-card, Ben and Jaime! I like those little guys. The cake comment was my favorite. "I saved you some cake." "Noooo!!"

Anne sent me a kickass pin/button/whatever you call it for my birthday (in addition to teh American Apparel double breasted cardigan I'd had my eye on, and a new book, yay!).

Here's the pin in action:

Double Breasted cardigan:

Close-up of the awesomeness:

And then Jaime just did her post about the bumper sticker for me:
Notice any similarities?

So I googled it, and they're both designs by Sarah Utter. My life, sadly, is pretty much summed up with her designs. Except I don't like public transportation. But I want to. But wait....I've been taking the bus back and forth from Halifax, and I love maybe I DO love public transportation. Just not in Columbus.