Thursday, April 03, 2008

A wonderful birthday, thanks everyone

Thanks so much, everyone, for the spectacular birthday wishes. Every nice message I got made me so happy.

Today actually ended up being a busy day, and so I haven't had a chance to run down to the post office yet to get the package you sent, Anne. Though you can't imagine how excited I am to go get it. I think I carried the parcel slip around with me for a solid hour before I finally put it in my bag. And also since it was a busy day (I just got in, and it's 11), I missed the sweet calls from Sam and Ben and Julie. Dad lucked out, though, and called during teh hour that I was here.

I know you work long hours, Sam, and are never home during the day, but since my room is a two minute walk from anywhere on campus, it's a weird day when I'm here so little. Especially since I only had one class today (brain and behavior was canceled, what a wonderful birthday present Dr. Henke gave me).

Nick submitted a play sort of spur-of-the moment to the One Act Play Festival, but I guess reality didn't set in that it was happening until Monday night, when he saw a poster for it up around campus. So over the last few days we've been figuring out everything for it, and tonight was the performance. Which meant that today was spent at the thrift store getting a shirt, at the dollar store getting styrofoam balls for bee antennae, eating, making the bee outfit with Sarah (we're amazing!), class, rehearsal, dinner, hour break, performance, and then the computer lab to work on a final lab exam for stats, which brings us up to now.

So, my friends. Considering that (and that I normally have a two hour nap in the afternoon), I am exhausted, and will write about the one act play later. Which is really more of a skit. BUT. I have a video. :)

Oh, and. Anne posted a picture of a very embarrassing time of my life, when I was obsessed with this baby troll and one of those little bird things, both of which I got at a flea market in Florida while visiting Mater and Pater. Yes, I was weird about it. I tucked them in at night and pretty much took them with me anywhere. Anyways, I was pretty amused to realize that I had in fact taken a photo of these two objects of my affection, and not only that, had the hard copy of that photo with me here in Antigonish. So feast your eyes on that.