Monday, January 07, 2008

Gross Eye + Knitting Mishap

I'll start out talking about my knitting, since it's less gross, and I wouldn't want to deter people reading just because of the ickness. I was working on this hat for....someone...okay, it was Julie. And I knit it on circular needles at first. That was my first time on circulars, and it was a success. However, I needed to switch over to double pointed needles for the decreasing. This would also be my first time on double pointed needles. I waited until I got back to Antigonish and had my Stitch 'n Bitch books to look at. But she seems to assume that switching over to double pointed needles is pretty easy, 'cause there was only a written description, no illustrations. Anyways. I sat and read and thought about it and didn't begin until I thought I had a handle on it and wouldn't screw things up. Sure enough, I had knit one row, looked back, and saw that I had done exactly what everyone warns against with dpns (double pointed needles): I was knitting the hat inside out. Argh! Oh well, I needed a thicker yarn for the hat to look nice anyways. So I've ripped it apart. But here is a photo, just so you know how nice it was. You can really fly on circular needles, though, so it won't take too long to do again.

So, I woke up this morning, and to my horror, my eye was even bigger. I'm going to make a little rice baggy so I can really warm compress the life out of this eye. It's amazing how well the whole warm compress thing works. I sat with a tea bag on my eye for like twenty minutes this morning, and now it doesn't look that bad--just slightly red and poofy. What frightens me is when web sites say things like 25% of cases resolve themselves within two months. Two months??? Oh, and that they just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger over a few weeks. If this is how this looks on day two, what would I look like on week two? Can you see the horror in my eyes at the thought of this eye? Go ahead, call me shallow, but this is gross and I want it gone. Luckily, the thick frames of my glasses go right across my upper eyelids and my hair falls over that eye. Yay!!