Sunday, January 06, 2008

Grossness + Weirdness

So, I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror (eventually), and went YEEP! Because my right eye was all red and poofy and droopy. I emailed Dad this photo, he emailed me a link to eye thingies, I looked at it and concluded (as he had) that it was a chalazion. Which makes me happy, 'cause that means it's no biggie. I'll just drink a lot of tea and sit around with teh tea bags on my eyes at least four times a day.
Well, I just tried my first teabag. It turns out that Cardamon Cinnamon burns like hell--should have seen that coming a mile away. Hopefully green tea will be more soothing. Oh, and I completely admit to photoshopping a zit out of that photo. I apologize to those fans of nitty gritty reality, but I just didn't want a huge close-up of a zit there.

Hmm...just pressing my eyelid to the hot rim of the cup seems to work well. Steam...

Using the end of your fork, because you don't have a knife and can't really be bothered to get one, because you have the end of a fork: Classic.

Please note the raspberry jam--delicious.

And no, I did not smooth that peanut butter neatly just because I was going to take a picture of it. I am tragically fastidious in my sandwich preparation. Eventually gets very annoying to anyone around me, I think. Though, hey, I have improved.

But I do so love slowly, evenly, and neatly spreading things. Peanut butter, mashed potatoes, mayonnaise, cream cheese, etc.