Monday, January 21, 2008

A pictorial brain and behavior lab

For my Brain and Behavior class we have a lab once a week where we study a sheep brain. We make various cuts and talk about the structures and functions. Really it's not much of a lab at all. It's short, I never see any of the structures that I'm supposed to, and we just sit around chatting.

Therese really doesn't like having her photo taken. Posing behind a piece of paper was a nice compromise though, I thought.

Darcy and Therese really didn't want to cooperate. So instead there's a stuffed raccoon in the center of this photo. Thanks. :-P
Somehow we got onto the topic of a Sesame Street creature thing. I'll admit, I don't actually have that much Sesame street knowledge. But Darcy and Therese were discussing it, and based on their descriptions, it sounds like they were actually talking about both Honkers and Martians. I did my research. They mentioned a phone sketch and going "yip yip yip," with weird big mouths, which means definitely martians. And then they mentioned noses that honk and weird ears, which means honkers. So Therese drew her Sesame Street creature. Darcy agreed until she drew the ears.

So, honkers + martians = what we were talking about.

Therese masterfully makes another slice. Darcy normally wouldn't want to man up enough to actually touch the brain, but since I wanted to take photos he sacrificed himself.


I like this photo.