Monday, February 12, 2007


Today, I splurged in the school clothing store and bookstore. I bought a long sleeve t-shirt and a sweatshirt. Now, finally, I can obnoxiously display my school's name like other university students.

My other purchases were a notebook for classes and a GRE prep book. What's the best way to prepare for the GRE? The book I got is by Kaplan and has two practice tests. I really want to get in to a pretty kickass( for psychology) graduate school. When it came to applying for undergraduate, I was pretty laid back. I figured that I'd probably be happy almost anywhere I ended up. Now, though, I feel fairly goal-oriented. I know that there are some GRE classes that you can take, but I'm preeeetty certain that there aren't any of those offered in my area. I think that the UofMich is my reach school. Their GRE averages are 650 for verbal and 730 for quantitative, with a 5.3 or something on the analytical. Is this realistic for me? Also, all GREs are computerized now. I don't know how I feel about that. I expect feedback from everyone who has taken the GRE (Ben I, Brad, Andy, ...Sam?, Jennie?) and people I don't know are welcome as well, of course! If you happen to read this one time, and have some words of wisdom, write them in a comment. I'm all ears. :)

And I know, I think I'm probably starting the GRE planning stress a liiiittle bit early, since it's only my sophomore year. Considering, however, that I want to own it, and I have so much work to do to reach that point, I think this is pretty reasonable. Plus, I need to take the psychology subject test. Which I actually feel much better about than the basic GRE.

I have a lot of math reviewing to do. :-P

My Developmental Psychology professor, Dr. Bigelow, cannot spell. I mean, she even takes her pages of notes to the blackboard with her, looks at it, and misspells the word. I didn't think that catharsis had an extra r in it--cartharsis. That was just today's example, but I'd say that she misspells an average-difficulty word about once a week, even while she gives it a lot of thought. She's a really sharp professor, too. I guess spelling just isn't her forte, though she certainly has everything developmental down cold. :)

Anne, I'm so proud of you!!! Everyone should go look at Anne's senior essay pictures on Facebook. Picture 14 is adorable of Anne and Ben H together. I love the gong, and everyone standing around holding stacks of their essays. What was that black thing that it looked like you and Ben were about to slide down on?

So, the peekvid site appears to be up and running. But it's giving me SO much trouble. I know, I know. It's beta. But still! I haven't been able to watch a single episode of House yet. :( Jaime's entry with Valley Girl House clips has me so sad yet laughing.