Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

Hedgehogs have quills, but they're not spiky, they're just firm. And most of the time (unless they're afraid of you) their quills are lying down flat along their back, and you can pet them. So don't let those quills deter you from their cute and cuddliness, though they're not exactly fluffy.

About...a little over four years ago, I was told by my dentist to have my wisdom teeth removed. Then the move to Maine happened, and wisdom teeth got lost in the shuffle. Anne had a pretty good wisdom teeth removal experience. Unfortunately, she didn't act weird from the pain medication, so no great stories there. She just walked around with puffy cheeks for a day or two. Very chipmunkesque. So, there's an in-family success story for you, Brad!

Now, I've never had my wisdom teeth removed, but I did have ten baby teeth pulled at once. It resulted in only my front teeth being visible, with gaping black spaces where the rest of my teeth should have been. Haha, it freaked Jaime out so much whenever I smiled. Anyways. My favorite foods to eat were cinnamon applesauce, chocolate pudding, ice cream, and smoothies. Consider those in addition to soup, Bradford Daniel. Or, you know, just drink Pepsi for a week. :)