Written down like this, it all sounds very short and like nothing much. But it was a fabulous day.
You should see my little sis. She really knows how to rock. She knows how to twist.
Monday, May 28, 2007
An Afternoon in Ojai
Anne Marie and Ben H (her boyfriend) drove up from Santa Fe to Ben's home in Ojai earlier than expected, so Brad and I drove up for a little day trip to hang out, since Ojai's just about an hour and a half drive north of Brad's apartment. Unfortunately, Memorial Day weekend traffic made that about a three hour drive. Ben's house is in this gorgeous valley up in the mountains. Imagine Italy transplanted to California, blended with some southwest-y ness. There are lots of orchards of avocados, kumquats, etc. and horses. We played some koob/kubb, which Anne posted about. Ben and I won thanks to default, though it was quite a close game.
We grilled out summer style: Hamburgers, corn, eggplant. It all makes sense until the eggplant. This picture is when Anne and I were forming the patties and seasoning.
Ben grilling.
Brad looking very out of his element in a country setting.
Brad looking much more in his element with a SkeeBall machine. That's right, Ben's Dad got a SkeeBall machine off of ebay. Aside from the two black widow spiders that crawled out of it, it was great.
Afterwards, Anne, Brad, and I played a very close game of Settlers before Brad and I headed home.
Written down like this, it all sounds very short and like nothing much. But it was a fabulous day.
Written down like this, it all sounds very short and like nothing much. But it was a fabulous day.