Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ramblings: Brad's at Work Edition

Painting my toenails is hard for me, because I sit cross-legged almost constantly.

You would expect LA to be a fairly warm place. When you think of Ohio or, say, MAINE, you might expect those places to be a little bit colder than LA, at least. That, however, is not the case at all. Ohio's almost hitting the 90s, Maine's in the 70s, and Brad's little town of El Segundo is in the mid-60s.

I love chap stick, and I love pop, but I hate that when you're wearing chap stick, it accumulates right where you drink from your pop can. Builds into a sticky mass of chap stickiness. Gross. So I sacrifice the chap stick.

Marks came out. Did I mention this already? My rank says I'm in about the top 6%, and all of my marks range from 80 to 85. Letterwise, that's ranging from an A- to an A. I like that grade inflation has *seriously* not occurred at my university. It took a little getting used to. Seeing a 75, and still trying to give yourself a pat on the back. It gets easier when you see others with 50s/60s breathing sighs of relief.

After splitting time between Brad's PC and iBook for a week, I think I've made a decision. I prefer the PC. There just don't seem to be very many different ways to accomplish the same thing on this iBook. Like, what if I don't want to do things their way? What if I feel like going through a back door? Maybe I'm just not savvy enough on this thing to know how, but in the end, being the not terribly proficient user that I am, I'll be sticking with my PC.

I really need a back-up psychology university. What's a place that I could pick for its location, but not necessarily for its excellence in psychology? It seems easy to find the places that excel, but not so easy to find the ones in the middle.