-Bangor to Boston- my first time on a plane powered *only* by propellors. Scary. I didn't know planes could bend like that.
-Boston to Columbus- I hate people who are so sweet with people they've literally only just met. Maybe this is why I'm somewhat short on friends. (Thank you to all of the friends I *do* have. I know I can be a boor.)
-1.5 days in Columbus-Ben and Julie eat so well, I managed to gain significant weight in this short amount of time. Ella's adorable and big and other than being stubborn (so Julie says) seems like a really easygoing kid. Criminally, I didn't take any photos while I was there. For updated photos of Ella, though, see benandjules.com.
-LA-Brad picked me up, and his apartment is only about ten minutes from the airport (nice). It's in a cute building, with an open-air courtyard sort of thing going on, and you can smell the ocean a little bit. Brad and I sat around that night, ate Cheez-Its, drank Pepsi (or Diet Pepsi), and watched Melinda Doolittle get kicked off of American Idol. America, you do indeed suck.
-LA to Santa Fe- Brad did the whole twelve hour drive, though I DID offer multiple times to drive. For the most part, the storms seemed to be shifting around us while we drove. Very Terry Goodkind in the desert separating the Old World. The lightning was spectacular, though. When it wasn't storming, though, the scenery was beautiful and did an excellent job of making me feel like I was in the Southwest. Well done.
Thursday-Brad and I arrived late; Ben K, Dad, and Sandra had flown in earlier that day.
Friday-We went for lunch in a little bakery/patisserie that was in a ...warehouse?
I learned that French toast and cream cheese are excellent together. Later that day, we all went to a softball game between the students and tutors/employees of Saint John's College. Despite liberal application and reapplication of sunscreen, I was badly burned, and am now peeling like...something that peels. I almost went with orange, but I don't think there's a god/giant-like figure above me, prying off my outer layer. Afterwards, there was a little reception for the graduates (excellent jalapeno poppers and cider), and then Anne's choir/ensemble gave a small performance, to show the parents what they'd accomplished that year. They were great, and it really made me miss singing. Oh well. They were fantastic. That night (I think) the Kesslers (including Petry, Iten, and Bond) went out with the Heilveils (Ben H's [Anne's boyfriend] family) for dinner. Due to bad luck with timing arrivals, our seating didn't sprinkle Heilveils with Kesslers; we were somewhat separated with Kesslers mostly on one end, and Heilveils mostly on the other end. The dinner was fantastic, though, and Ben K and I shared a dinner of huge-ass steak. Brad slipped out early (before his quail even arrived) to go pick up Jennie from the airport. Dr. Heiveil (pron. Heilville) and Dr. McEwan (no idea on that spelling) are Ben H's parents, psychologists, and are both very very nice. Ben H also has a little sister, Lilly, who is very nice, pretty, and somewhat quiet. Being quiet myself, I can commiserate. Plus, not only was she around the somewhat overbearing (is that unfair of me?) Kesslers, but she was also stressed out by end-of-year and end-of-high school things she needed to tie up in the next two weeks. She's moving on to the American University in Paris next year (so jealous), so best of luck to Lilly! Oh, and I got my hair cut.
The Heilveils. Dr. McKeown (sp???), Dr. Heilveil, Ben, and LillyEnsemble with "conductor."
There were one hundred and something people in Anne Marie's class, so it was nice and short. Afterwards, we escaped the crush of people and went out to India Palace for a buffet lunch. Delicious. Ben K, Jennie, and I snuck (sneaked?) off to buy Anne a present of nested mixing bowls that were assymetrical, like eggs, but once Anne got them, she quickly pointed out why their egg shape could be beneficial, and not a nuisance. I learned my lesson, and have now converted (mentally) to egg-shaped mixing bowls. Ben K and I wanted to get cigars to celebrate, but never made it to the carefully concealed cigar shop...wherever it was. We did, however, get some pretty gross champagne, and flowers (not gross). Anne made reservations for dinner that night at a lovely little restaurant (Santa Cafe) that is in what is apparently a very famous/important house. Didn't get the whole story on that. While I ordered Diet Coke and not wine, and we took pictures (at the dinner table), I felt very...low-class, but tried to forget about it.
Anne's graduation photos
Anne Marie heading up to receive her degree
Anne Marie heading up to receive her degree
After all the caps have been thrown, during the recessional. That's Anne's friend, Luke, to the left.
Shockingly well organized photo.
Sandra, Dad, Jennie, Brad, Anne Marie, Ben K, me
Congratulations, Anne!
Monday- I bought the Dansko boots!! Woke up with a mild version of hte swollen, bruised feet Anne had. Ben H, Anne, Brad, and I played Settlers of Catan, ate some pizza, and then hung out at Ben and Anne's apartment. It's a cute little place. Has a little patio area, 1-bedroom, walk-in closet, lots of charm. Beams across the ceilings. So we all lounged around there, using the internet (no internet at the house were staying at, thus the lack of posting), until Anne and I went to Ten Thousand Waves for my birthday present (a private bath and massage). Ten Thousand Waves is a little Japanese-style spa/retreat tucked into teh mountains. Traditional Japanese buildings, little waterfalls, open-air courtyards, shoji. We changed into kimonos when we got there, and it was weird knowing that I and everyone else there was naked underneath. Good thing I didn't go to the community bath. Anne and I had a lovely hour in our private hot tub, Ichiban, and then I went to my massage with masseuse Sundown. She was great about explaining how everything was going to go down, since it was my first massage, and was also very gentle. Almost too gentle. It was very relaxing, though, and I have a newfound respect for elbows as tools of massage. I absolutely recommend Ten Thousand Waves to anyone who is in the Santa Fe area, though. After Ten Thousand Waves, Ben H, Brad, Anne, and I played a sleepy final game of Settlers (Anne schooled us) and went to bed.
-Santa Fe to LA- Brad and I made this a two-day trip. We stopped at Meteor Crater, payed the outrageous fee of $15 to enter, and tried to hold onto our clothes against the ripping wind at the top. The crater itself was fantastic and huge, and the meteor that made it was apparently only 150-feet in diameter.
After that, it was a short drive to Flagstaff, where we stayed the night, got dinner at a little "brewery" restaurant that was filled with university students, and had surprisingly good food. And a cute waitress named Shaunie. Brad and I watched the NBA lottery thing, and American Idol. I tried to watch House, but alas, it wasn't on. Instead, another show (On the Set?) was premiering, and it was sort of fun. Fifty unknown directors compete to win a spot at Dreamworks. Next day, we went to Montezuma's Castle, which is muuch more impressive in person than it is in a photo. It's clinging to the side of this looming cliff, looking all ancient and cracked, and imPOSSible to reach, and I can't believe it's still up there.
Heroes and Lost spoilers ahead.
Heroes: I think that Peter's still alive, and Nathan's dead. If that's the case, I'm cool with that. I loved seeing all the characters intersect with one another. Can't wait for next season. Cheap that Sylar just dragged himself off. Why didn't you rip that katana straight up and out of his torso, Hiro? Anime-style!
Lost: I'm so happy that Jin's still alive. My first favorite character was Mr. Echo. Killed. My second favorite character was Charlie. Now all I have left are Desmond and Hurley. Why didn't Charlie wait at the ceiling, take a last breath, and swim out the port hole thing once the water had finished coming into the room? It looked like he could fit pretty easily. Evil Mikhail (is that his name? I've forgotten him so quickly.)
TODAY-whew, bet you thought that would never come. Went to Chipotle with one of Brad's friends, Robert. Thank you for getting me out of the apartment! Preeeeeetty certain that Brad put him up to it, but I had fun nonetheless.
Photos will be added once Brad gets back and helps me figure out this iBookness.