Thursday, June 21, 2007


June Bugs stupidly ram into the French doors nearby again and again. Until I realized that it was a June Bug, I was frightened that it was a bear or something outside.

Come on, people, would a deodorant for women that smells good be so hard to do? Men have all these properly masculine smells, but teh deodorants made for women make me think someone's just opened up a fridge filled with rotting fruit, or that I am sitting next to an old woman who can't smell when she's put on too much of her stale perfume that she used even back in 1940. It's sickly, sourly, sweet, and it just grosses me out.

I have once again bought a new deodorant with a new scent (since I'm never satisfied and so never purchase the same one twice) and am once again disappointed, in case it wasn't obvious. :) When I do get truly fed up, I just buy men's deodorant. Then, a long while later, I forget my horrible experiences, and see all those little feminine-looking deodorant sticks and think, "Well, this one seems like it could be nice..." WRONG. Grr.

This is old news, but have you guys seen the new ten dollar bill?? Radical. I love it, actually. American money is getting so colorful, and though I was fond of just having greenbacks, I think the colorfulness is really fun. Ben K handed me a ten while we were in Lowe's, and the yelp of surprise that I uttered on seeing it was red gave Ben and Anne a chuckle at how out of it I am.
I like that the colors are sort of muted, not like they're from a little kid's crayon-box.I saw The Curse of the Golden Flower last night, and, wow. Overall: An insanely beautiful movie that's pointlessly tragic because none of the motivations are explained. I spent the entire time asking, "whyyy???" Coolest thing about the movie: The ninjas!