Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ohio in Pictures (abridg.)

No, Ben, I do not post as well standing up, because I am laaazy.

I'm almost afraid to look at the stats for my blog, because undoubtedly everyone has jumped ship due to the lack of postiness. Fear not!, though, for I am back in Maine, and my free time now abounds. Good thing: My camera is around here somewhere. Bad thing: I don't know ehre that somewhere is. But now I do, problem solved.

I've been rereading Harry Potter in anticipation of the latest movie coming out. As well as the book. I've spent...basically the last ten years of my life (that's almost half of it) waiting for the next Harry Potter book to come out. I can't imagine what it's going to be like once the seventh comes out and there' sno more expectation. I hope Rowling caves to a desire for more money, and writes prequels: Dumbledore's Story, Dumbledore as a Young Man, The Story of Lily and James, and The Story of Lily and James II: Their Unfortunate and Predictable Death.

I have 159 photos from the two weeks I just spent in Ohio. Evie helped with that, though, by taking photos of everyone's backs. She's going to end up a controversial cutting edge photographer/modern dancer/comedian. Endless Diet Pepsi: Good. Endless is actually a bit of a stretch. But honestly, this 24-pack should hold for the night.

I already talked about visiting Brad in LA, right? So I only have to cover Ohio...I think...

Okay, this will be pictorial, 'cause I'm not actually going to cover everything. Captions only.
My first day in Ohio, Jenny, Emma, and I went to The Flavors Eatery, which is new in Bexley. We went in for lunch, and came out six hours later. Jenny's now off on a spectacular European adventure, and Emma had just returned from one. I see Emma really really rarely, so I laughed when I ran into her again in Panera, ....and then again in Northstar cafe.
Grandma and Grandpa Callahan celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, and we had a little family picnic out in some park.
Ben K, Anne, and I went to the Columbus Arts Festival. It was very hot and crowded, and we zoomed straight through it, but on the way had a very delicious snack of fried pickles.
Ben K and I took care of a friend's dog, Lewis. Lewis loves to slobber and push roughly past people. All that sawdust is from the mess we made putting wainscoting up in Ella's new nursery. Wish I had a picture of the final product...Ben K.... Oh! Enlarge this picture to observe my kickass new shoes. I'm so in love with them... thats' the real reason this picture is up here.
Ben K and his friends are in a casual band, which played at a little cafe in Victorian Village.
We got to hang out with Ben I, Jaime, Moira, and Evie a lot. Which was fabulous. Here is Evie's beautiful portrait of Ben and Jaime.
Shannon, my cousin, graduated while were there. Congratulations! In this is Anne, Shannon, Lauren, and Morgan. Sister, cousin, cousin, cousin.

My last two days in Ohio, Julie and Ella returned from Ireland (Julie's cousin Laura as well, who is very nice), and I got to play with Ella, who is so good humored, it's amazing.

And that, my friends, is a very abbreviated version of Ohio in Pictures. More pictures from the trip will be popping up in later posts, I'm sure.