Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Preggers Nightmares

The last two nights, I've had nightmares. Two nights ago, in my sleep, I woke up and discovered that I was seven months pregnant, and that for the last seven months I'd just been ignoring it. I think it's reasonable to say that I was freaking out. I hadn't read any books on labor or how to take care of a baby, didn't know what to do with a dipaer, and most importantly, I hadn't changed any of my lifestyle behavior for the first seven months--picture allll that pop with alll that caffeine that I drink everyday. Yikes. So in this first dream, I was just freaking out about having a baby in general.

Last night, I wake up in my dream and discover that a full week ahead of my due date, my water has broken. I still haven't read any books about what to expect during labor or anything, and for some reason this lack or preparation is really really really freaking me out. Meanwhile, I'm being carted off to some absolutely terrifying looking delivery room (looked more like an operating room with veyr rusty tools), and the father, himself young, hasn't arrived, and when he does is more freaked out by the situation, and goes to hang out with his parents in the waiting room. I don't know anyone around me, don't have a birth plan, and a nurse is already getting ready to give me an epidural--what??? For some reason, I hadn't even started to feel the contractions yet, and this nurse was busting out the epidural already. Anyways, jump ahead in time, and I'm holding what basically looks like a huge larva wrapped in blankets, and have no idea what to do with it.

I truly hope that there are no follow-up dreams to this.