Friday, June 29, 2007

A Post

A modest title, for such brilliant thoughts.


I see that Blogger has added a poll option--fabulous. I didn't take the time to read on before signing in, so I don't know anything abotu the other stuff they've added. I bet that none of it is as good as the poll feature, though.

Dan, Jennie, and I watched A Conversation With Other Women. I really liked it. I felt angsty the whole time, and in the end just deflated. I liked the stitching together of the past and present, and the idea of being different women at different times. 'Cause sometimes that really feels so true. And I liked the music. I don't know if I like Aaron Eckhart, though. I do know that I like SmartPop mini bags and pickles (dill, not bread and butter--yuck!).

So, a new Batman movie is being made for 2008? And Christian Bale is once again on board? Interesting. Additional cast members: Maggie Gyllenhaal (replacing Katie Holmes), Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Anthony Michael Hall, Aaron Eckhart, and there's a rumor of William Fichtner? This sounds like a comedy. Especially when you throw in the returning Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman to the mix.

Well. I've heard that a couple of people don't know about this little watercolor of the Stanwood house. It's been sitting around in a large envelope for years, and it is still sitting in a large envelope.

It is an excellent addition to the Former Homes Series, which began with the watercolor fo the lake at the farm: I enjoy putting makeup on when no one else is going to see me. If someone comes in, I'll wipe it off really quickly, and look guilty.

Ben and Jaime, you have rated 801 movies on your Netflix account. You have rated 801 movies on your Netflix. Eight hundred. And one. Have you seen 801 movies??? Seriously??? I don't think I've seen 801 movies, and I looove movies. Approximately 1,602 hours of movie watching. Hmm...that's only about an eighth of a year. How can that be possible? Maybe I have watched 801 movies. Oh dear, I think I undoubtedly have. Really? Oh well!

I've forgotten everything that I wanted to post about.