Monday, July 02, 2007

Bum badum badum

Well, I watched Dreamgirls, and I have to say: Meh. I heard really good things about it, and was pretty excited to see it. But the plot dragged through the first half, and I didn't care at all abotu the characters until at least halfway through. The singing that was musical-y was really awkwardly done, and the songs weren't very catchy or enjoyable. Best part about the movie: Eddie Murphy did an awesome job with his character. Props. At the end, it came together a bit, and I experienced what might have been an emotion. Don't get me wrong, I didn't dislike it. I was just so psyched up about it that I guess I was expecting more.

After seeing Ben and Jaime's high movie count on Netflix, I started to wonder how many movies I've actually watched. So every movie that I come across on Netflix that I've seen, I've been rating, to try and get a Movies Watched number. So far I've rated 528, and I'm pretty certain there are a lot missing yet. ... This is a sad realization that I've watched so many movies.

Actually, not at all. I love movies.

Megatokyo, a web comic I used to read (until Piro got so mushy and melodramatic a year ago) had some nice leetspeak/1337-5p34k, which can be pretty funny. This guy's character only speaks leet, and has some nice strips where he's explaining gaming tactics to Piro and Largo. I really want to get my hair cut. I had a dream last night that I was Harry Potter, attending StFX with Ron. We were fooling around, and I burned the Dark Mark tattoo on Ron's arm as a joke with my wand, accidentally summoning all the deatheaters. Dumbledore was so pissed.