Friday, July 20, 2007


I've been sitting around, twiddling my thumbs, thinking about the book 7 release, what word to play in Scrabble, and just what to do with myself. I've been doing this fairly often, feeling something I've been forgetting to do nagging in hte back of my mind. And just now, it hit me. Post! What have I been thinking, not posting about the inane, insignificant happenings of my life??

So here we go.

A day or two ago (no sense of time), someone pointed out to me that I titled an entry "tummy ache...too much peanut butter fudge..." or something, and then proceeded to not mention my tummy ache or peanut fudge anywhere in the entry. I laughed a little, at the expectation of such sense and reason. I believe all such expectations have since been soundly destroyed, undoubtedly to that reader's benefit.

Ben K and Sam, I started individual games of Scrabble with you in Facebook, and either neither of you have noticed, or neither wants to play. If you don't want to play, cancel the game. If you just hadn't noticed, go to the top right of your Facebook homepage and click where it says that you have new notifications. Well, actually, to cancel the game you need to go there too, so go there either way. Or just click on your Scrabulous application.

I think many will recall that before my last trip to Ohio, I tiled a countertop, but never grouted it. Well, last week (or sometime) I fiiiinally got around to doing it. The grout was an apoxy, which I was kind of leery of using. Leery? Anyways, my ...leeriness... turned out to be correct. A little while after I started applying the grout, it became increasingly apparent that this countertop was completely ruined.
Here I am in the process of ruining the countertop
And here it is, ruined.
Luckily, I'm slow and inefficient, and only covered a little more than half of the countertop in my first go, so there's a little that has been salvaged. Dad bought some regular grout, and I've been grouting that little that remains without a hitch.

For the first time, I understand the way Julie feels towards chicken. Jennie's been cooking up some excellent meals, and two so far have contained boned chicken. And, for some reason that is entirely unconnected with Jennie's cooking (seriously), as I cut into the chicken and eat it, I am just grossed out. I'm so repelled that I can't eat it; I've had to throw my chicken out.

The camera case that I had was all bulky and thick, with a pocket on the front. It took my slim camera and made it cumbersome. So I thought, why not knit it a soft little case? While rummaging around in the basement, I found this button which I thought was really cute, and went well with my yarn. And here is the end product. It's a little stretchy, and I'm tempted to do it again just to perfect it, but I like it.

Well, in the morning, I'll stand in line, buy the Harry Potter book (if she doesn't run out), and there will be no more. That will be it. I just seriously hope that I like this book. There's an awful feeling in my stomach, though, that I won't. Wish me luck!! I don't think any of us should post about it until we've all said that we've read it. :-P Nah, go ahead, but warn me! Oh my goodness, Itens, you must be reading it right now. Don't tell me, Jaime, don't tell me!!!!!

The former countdown on this blog reminds me of Lost, flicking through all of the numbers. We just need some hieroglyph action.