Friday, July 13, 2007

There is a Q-Tip

on my bathroom floor. It's been there for quite some time. It sits there, not explaining itself, and not moving.
I got in my car at night, turned on the lights, and as I turned on the road, noticed that the lighting on my dashboard was really dim. I turned my lights off and back on really quickly, to see if they would come on full power, but on the contrary, this time they were entirely dark, and I couldn't see a thing on the dashboard. A minute of worried fidgeting around with my light pull thing later, and I realized with relief and chagrin that the light pull thing rotates, and this controls the dashboard lighting. Silly me! But still, that was a mildly worrying moment.

I really, really hate the phone. It's not as though I used to chatter away on the phone and then became a recluse once IMing became common. You know how there's a time when you're supposed to get chatty and chummy with a friend and talk on the phone a lot or something? The rise of IMing in popularity coincided nicely with me coming to that age, and I completely bypassed the phone altogether. If you call me, sure, I'll chat and enjoy it, but don't be offended when I never call you, and when I give a rude, abrupt, ungraceful ending to a conversation. "Well, okay, yeah, I'm going. Loveyoubye!"

I've mistyped Brad's blog address a couple of times, as blogpsot instead of blogspot. Coincidentally (?), it takes you to web site on "...Bible, Christian and religious information and studies. By God's mercy, one of the largest Bible-centered sites on the web." Hallelujah. Anyways, I just found that coincidence amusing.

Well, Harry Potter's release date has come and gone, and I still haven't seen the movie. Feel free to post about it, everyone. It's not as though there can be any spoilers. I have to say, I'm pretty excited for Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange, and I hope they make Umbridge's character as evil as she ought to be!