Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Quotes

Brad and Anne arrived today, and Ben and Jaime came over for dinner. So there was Ben K, Julie, Ben I, Jaime, Anne, Brad, Barry, and Ann, plus Moira and Evie.

Quotes flew from the walls.


Oh my god, are you a conservative?

from out of the blue during a discussion of presidential candidates:
Did you guys hear about Britney Spears' little sister???

her helpful suggestion about why there were so many special needs things in Antigonish:
Maybe it's because they're inbred.

I have ovaries of steel, basically.

"...and I'm like Switzerland."

"I'm on a search for spirituality.... I am; it's just not going very well."

"You know your family's weird when you say, 'Do you see me?' and they think you're being existential."