Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I bet you want to know what hte first favorite is. Haha, I bet you all know, actually.

Well, this Christmas has been....interesting so far. I had a pretty rare emotional breakdown for about a solid hour where I practically couldn't look at anyone and not cry from feeling so bad about not having presents for people. I didn't get all of my knitting done, and I'd really like it all to be done together and not just give some people a present and not other people, so anyone who was going to have a present knit for them, sorry. You'll be getting it in...a while. Meanwhile, maybe I should start collecting people's addresses so I can ship things.

So, yes, I will be knitting at a relaxed pace, and if it happens to be July when you get that winter knit hat in the mail, then too bad. Merry Christmas in July!!

Anne and I had a fun little party last night. We were expecting maybe twenty people tops to come, and instead somewhere in the range of...forty+ came. Tons of people we hadn't seen in years, and it was cool seeing how some people had changed and others had stayed the same.

This is really boring so far. Well, Anne and Brad have left. Which means that I will have blogging time once more. My glasses should be ready tomorrow (woot!) and ...I'm going to Cheesecake for dinner tonight with Andy.

I'm going to make a Christmas by Photos blog entry, but there will be nothing new that isn't already in my Facebook. In fact, captions might even be repeated. Sorry, chaps. I will actually be feeding Jennie's Facebook laziness.

I have a badass Ortlieb bag now! Suhweet. Not to mention the Perfect Sessions of Cowboy Bebop, cute pjs (Jennie and Anne), and my first proper baseball cap. Oh, and Ben and Julie got me the cool thermometer I asked for from where you put it up on your window and it tells you digitally the current temperature and highest and lowest temperature so far. Handy!! But it only goes to -13F.

I just coughed and sneezed at hte same time. that was insane. For those of you who know how I sneeze, that's just downright dangerous.

Well, time for my second favorite part of the day. Showering!!