Friday, December 07, 2007

guess what day today is

So, I'm signing this petition for Jaime (not for the whales, of course), and in that comment section it was so hard to resist putting, "Didn't Star Trek teach you anything?" I'm going to get a lot of Greenpeace spam now, aren't I. Yes., they just want you to keep signing petition after petition. I bet if I said yes to every one I could sit here all night, being linked to one after the other. I did it for you, Jaime. I did it for you.

So, I took someone's Christmas present out for a test run went pretty well. And it was all my own design, no pattern. BHAHA!

I talked about Mirrormask already, right? I really liked it, because for the first time there was soemthing I could point to and say, "That's what my dreams look like. While I sleep. Most nights." Granted, there are normal and mundane nights sometimes. This has made me really want to watch it again.So, I haven't been posting very much. Which might seem odd, since classes have been out since...I had my last one last Thursday, and shouldn't that just free me up for tons of posting? I don't know how it happened, but mysteriously I feel almost frantically busy right now compared to my lackadaisical regular class schedule. Anyways, so I've been posting less. I feel downright bad about my lack of posting, actually.

Anne, you would really like my History and Theory of Psychology class, as well as their exams. I did all this studying for it so I could talk about the Sophists, Skeptics, Cynics, Epicureans, Stoics, Neoplatonists, Scholastics, and others, and why there were the shifts from one to another and such, but I get in and the first question is, "Socrates is thought to have said that 'the unexamined life is not worth living.' Discuss." Clearly, my studying helped me out here so much.

Happy release of Golden Compass day!! I hope it doesn't suck. I hate that its been hyped. I'm really tempted to look at the reviews, but I think I should resist. Ooooh, but I want to so badly.