Tuesday, December 11, 2007

this took all of two minutes.

Feast your eyes, my friends, on this creeptasticness. You too could date this scary serial killer.

I just finished The Exorcist. Time to go watch Grizzly Man and study (but probably not) some Brain and Behavior.

Oh, and here is part of an entry that I wrote but never finished. The Unpublished Memoir:

It's a Saturday night (actually Sunday morning), and I'm lazing about my room. So that means I will write a blog entry! I have just wasted my evening (I mean spent very well) listening to NPR, sewing a button, and eating SmartPop, which is I am not kidding twenty times more delicious than regular microwave popcorn with all that greasy butter that clings to your mouth. YUCK!!!!

I was talking to Brad and reminded myself that I saw The Great Escape. I knew the generally idea, but I really didn't know anything about the ending. Based on the title, I thought it would be a pretty successful endeavor, since apparently the escape was great. But noooooooo, the whole movie is all lighthearted and happy happy happy happy happy then Bam! DEATH! What happened to the happiness? I don't know. But I'm happy that I've now seen Steve McQueen.

so...exhausted...I can't actually write a proper blog entry.

I would like ot point out that I actually like the whales. I just don't care enough to be proactive. And somehow signing a petition doesn't seem proactive to me.