Monday, December 10, 2007

Things are about to get interesting

because the internet on my computer (or in my building?) isn't working. Suckiness. Maaaajor suckiness. I woke up and saw that I had seven emails before the internet went kaput, but I couldn't check them! Anyways, I'm in the computer lab.

Whoa. Some guy behind me is on the computer, and I just heard that all too familiar voice say "You've got mail!" How long has it been since anyone's heard that? Besides watching the movie You've Got Mail, 'cause that just doesn't count. But really, all of a sudden I'm taken back to sitting in front of the computer at the farm, AOL open, watching it dial, listening carefully to the staticky clicks as it connects to see if it would be successful...weird.

Anyways, in ten minutes(ish) I'm going to go write my stats exam. In my defense, Anne, I did very well in regular stats. I hope your stats exam went well (I'm sure it did). But, back to the point. I didn't study for this at all, and I have reaaaaally screwed myself over. I hope I pass. I wonder if I will...maybe not. Yikes.

Oh, and in other Anne news. In my dream last night, Anne, I met you in a library and we were both so happy to see each other we got kind of loud. Some smartass on the other side of the rooom said really loudly, "Wouldn't it be nice if people were actually quiet in libraries?!" And you spun around, glared at him, and said, "Wouldn't it be nice if people who cared went to the specifically designated quiet sections??" And then he said something about showing common courtesy. Which made us both really mad, and in retaliation we toook out The Complete Works of Shakespeare, picked one of the most insulting lines (it turned out to be from a play that I'd never heard of, but appparently you'd studied it), underlined that section, and I doon't remember how, but we were going to somehow give the book to him. I was worried that he wouldn't get the insult.

Anyways, time to go horribly bomb this exam. Yesterday, when I ought to have been studying, I instead was in my underwear lying on top of my wool blanket going, "Wow, wool...." I did that for about four hours, watching the snow falling outside.

Oh, and today was a very Thomas Kinkade morning. A very beautiful sunrise, the houses all covered in snow, smoke rising from the chimneys, and fog burning off the water in the distance. Beautiful. Too bad Kinkade's a gross sell-out.