An independent Mandy adventure of note: Those apartments that I've been drooling over just across the street from campus and haven't been able to find any information on, well they finally posted a number, and I actually called them! Compared to other apartments in town, the rent's outrageous, but the location really can't get any better. Irritatingly, though, I'll only be able to sign the lease in April, which leaves me uncertain of getting a place, which leaves me...uncertain. And I hate uncertainty.
Just to give you an idea of how close this is. For those of you who visit
Jaime cut her hair, so I feel like we're short hair buddies, though hers is shorter than mine. We should make friendship bracelets!!! Omigosh! :-P
Yes, Jibbles *is* adorable. That one cat's cuteness is only enhances because his head is sticking down out of the ceiling. He'd be a lot less cute if I told you that the caption on the picture that I cropped out was, "Ceiling cat is watching you masturbate." Not quite the cute little guy anymore, now is he? :) On the topic of cats and ceiling cats, I have to present this link. Some of them are pretty weak, but some of them are really cool. Notably, I love the RAM cat, kitten in his food, trashcat, emo kitten, karate kitten, spy dog, shower cat, psycho cat, and moon cat. Go all the way through. Take a peek. It'll only eat up a couple valuable minutes of your life that you'll never get back.
Pictures of Jibbles to come once I steal a digital camera from Dad this Christmas break.