Sunday, December 03, 2006


But first, a bad idea: A bad idea is deciding to go out running at midnight when it's freezing. It tends to result in going around a block and only running at all to get back to the house as soon as possible. My skin was all red and hard, gross.

So, what started happening yesterday? It started snowing! Big, wonderful clumps. We had a light dusting the day before yesterday, but that didn't really count. It started snowing yesterday afternoon, and went all night, and it's still going. I'd say we've had at least six inches so far. To celebrate the snow, Tim, Katie, and I took a walk (about 15 min) to Subway to enjoy walking in the snow. One of my favorite things in the world is when everything is covered in snow, and walking down a quiet street, when the snow is falling, and the only thing you can hear is the snow crunching under your boots. That's what it was like last night, and with all the snowball throwing, it was great. I bundled up so much out of my excitement to be going out in the snow that I was sweating bullets outside. I had on my longjohns, a turtleneck, my winter jacket, crazy effective mittens, boots, and my little hat from Austria. It was such overkill.

It's rare that I feel comfortable talking to someone outside of my family, but I really enjoyed sitting in Subway with Tim and Katie, feeling very relaxed, and having an easy converstion.

During the "Baum baum bah!" of Sweet Caroline, I tend to throw my hands up in the air with each beat.

It is *so* easy to procrastinate, really, it's absurd. I have two exams tomorrow. I slacked off on reading the textbooks, 'cause I've had paper after paper after paper, so now I have to read one entire small textbook for tomorrow, and half of one full size textbook. I'll have more time for my later exams, but boy do I ever need to get a move on.

Shockingly, I have all my Christmas shopping done. I just need to get Dad's permission to use his credit card to actually buy them, since I'm out here in no man's land. I have to say, though, no man's land is pretty fun.

Okay, studying. :(