Thursday, December 07, 2006


No, nothing Biblical. Prepare yourself for some extreme superciality, though.

First, I have discovered the amazing awesomness of bobby pins. These things are just awesome. They work so well.

Second, I found a beautiful set of eyeshadows. This is the first time ever that I've bought some shades, tried them on, and been really impressed. Two thumbs up for the set of "Mocha" colors by Maybelline. Shortly after opening the set of eyeshadows, in a moment of klutziness very unsurprising to anyone, I dropped the little eyeshadow brush straight down the drain of the sink I was standing over. It is now sitting at the bottom of the "U" bend in my drain, barely visible by the little indentation it makes in the water. Despite hte impossibility of recovery, I still tried to stick a fork down there and get it out. When I almost dropped the fork in the drain, I gave up.

Everyone knows I have fairly awkward and embarassing scars on my chest. Well, today I finally dropped thirty dollars on little silicone scar sheets in an attempt to reduce their noticeableness. If anyone is curious, I'm actually much better about picking anything. Much. So this scar removal thing's supposed to go on for twelve weeks at least. And yes, I'm accepting bets on how long I do this before I get bored and stop.