Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nieces and Nephews

Well, Jennie did a post about her kids affecting her life, and Ben K did a post about Ella. So, I'll just mention the fact that I have seven nieces and nephews, and considering that I'm only twenty, that's insane. Five girls, two boys, and soon to be another boy, right? Pavel. Pavel is a kickass name. I've heard some people be surprised at three nieces and nephews, and when I hear that, I just think, "Pft! I have seven."

I've been watching CSI: Miami, and I think that in real life, David Caruso would be horrible at comforting anyone, considering what a bad job he does on the show. "You hang in there. Hang in there." He's the stiffest supposedly caring person I've ever seen. He does, however, get bonus points for always being polite. I love anyone who says 'please' and 'thank you.' You may wonder why I'm watching the show at all. But I have no idea.

One more exam to go! It's French, and I'm not overly concerned. Maybe I should be.