Monday, October 01, 2007

"Are we doing anything planned this year or are we all giving everyone gifts?"

So, let's get our plans in order. To summarize: Sam is skivving off to Australia, while everyone but him spends time with family at this family time of year, even though everyone (incl. the Niblocks) will be here except for him, and even though he was in Ireland last year. Right. Brad, Anne, and I are bunking at B&J's, Ben and Jaime are obviously there, Dad's staying at Mater's, and Jennie and Dan are popping by for a day after Christmas (?). Who have I forgotten?

Now, regarding presents. I have no idea. Thoughts? Maybe drawing names for Dad presents, and doing our sibling presents individually? Feel free to say, "No no no no no."

Okay, I wrote the above...yesterday or something, but just got back from 3:10 to Yuma. I loved it! I have no background in Westerns, so I can't say anything about that, but I thought they kept it simple and realistic, which was nice. Russell Crowe and Christian Bale: Equally nice. I'm not a big Russell Crowe fan, but I thought he did a really good job with his character. For those who don't know hte plot, Russell Crowe is an outlaw who's been captured, and Christian Bale is a poor rancher who is trying to get him on the 3:10 train to Yuma for some money. However, Russell Crowe's a pretty wily and dangerous guy, and his entire crew is trying to rescue him.

I don't know what to say about it, really, but I get one feeling from a movie that is just fun, like a fast heartbeat, but I get another feeling from a movie that I think is fun and good in its content, a slow pounding heartbeat. I don't have much in the way of concrete thoughts about it, but I can tell that I like it.

Now Brad will write a comment saying, "That movie was a travesty. I can't believe you had the poor taste to like it." Heh, that doesn't sound like Brad at all. But! Nevertheless! I will not back down. I thought it was great. See it.