Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Quotes that no one else finds funny

Have you guys ever tried the tea that sits in those big things for hours like coffee? Coffee tastes like crap anyways, so it doesn't really matter how long it's been there. But I was forced to get some tea from one of these thingies the other day, and I have discovered that I am a tea snob. It was so gross, I couldn't drink it.

Me as a tea snob is pretty funny, since I know nothing about tea. All I know is that I hate hate hate to oversteep my tea. I barely keep my green tea in for a minute, and other teas no more than two minutes. Granted, these are just little cups, not big teapots full or anything.

My webcam is set up, if anyone feels like a face to face visit.

"God, Nicki, you are such a prostitute!" -a frosh girl yelling down the hall in my dorm

Dr. Watt, Abnormal Psychology

"...and my God, I have no coping skills, and I need to go home and live with my parents."

"...someone ate his apple." -student
"What's going to happen now?"
"I figure he'll get over it." -student
(regarding a thematic apperception test)

"No doubt we can find something for everybody."
(while leafing through the DSM-IV)
edit: The DSM-IV is the book of diagnostics for psychology and psychiatry. It's like the Bible, and it's sickeningly huge, filled with every disorder you could dream up.

Dr. Henke, Brain and Behavior:

regarding our midterm:
"Will we have choice? You always have choice. At the end of the year I'll tell you about free will and stuff."

"We'll make little anatomists of you, whether you like it or not."

Dr. Edwards, History and Theory of Psychology

"The heads I win, tails you lose theory."

"Here, I've spewed my guts out. How about you sift through my vomit and pick out the gems?"

"The Sunday Christian. Good for two hours a week and spends the rest of the time screwing his neighbor as hard as he can."

"I used to read science fiction, when I was young and stupid."

" some sense, the deepest lingering problems of humanity are just like Quebec."

"Treating your children like humans is also anthropomorphism. They're still little beasties, though."

"I read your mental efforts, I laugh, I criticize them, and then I hand them back to you."

"I don't bother arguing with intro students anymore."

"He was a belligerent asshole. If you'd been there, you would have agreed with me. He really needed it from both barrels. Little smartass."

"I'm easy to the point of inertia."