Thursday, October 18, 2007

Return of the me

They should sell half loaves of bread. Why should I have to commit to an entire loaf. Those things are huge.

Tonight, I do not have a midterm to study for. So I will sit around watching a low quality movie streaming online, dying my hair, and making Mr. Noodles (Ramen) for dinner. Kickass! Good thing I bought alll that unbrand diet coke for this crazy fun. :-P

I dyed my hair! It's less red looking than it appears here. And speaking of hair, I absolutely absolutely love mine being so short. It's fabulous! I see some girls in class, one after another with long, long hair, and I think, "How boring." I feel very unboring right now.
If I were my own version of William Slade, this is what I would say: Whatever you do, don't drink pop from a bottle. A plastic bottle, that is. Glass bottles are fine, and cans are also fine. But plastic bottles take pop and turn it into some gross, unconsumable thing. And the more you drink the worse it gets. Don't do it!

Have you ever heard someone say efficacy with the emphasis "efFICacy?" I made a note of this way of saying it, but I don't remember why... I guess I just thought it was funny.

I was sitting in abnormal (psych) a couple of days ago, when teh Gummi Bears song struck from out fo the blue. Not bursting out into "HIGH ADVENTURE THAT'S BEYOND COMPARE!!!!!!" was really really hard to resist.

Speakign of which. I was doing some last minute studying with Therese for my abnormal midterm, when what should I see on the tv but........Care Bears!! Is this show really on again?

One nice thing about my dorm is that every week or so, the shower curtains are changed. That's such a small, nice thing that makes quite a difference. One bad thing about dorms in general: They are cesspits of infection. I fall asleep at night to teh endless sound of coughing, and at last, my immune system has cracked, and I am SICK. Actually, I'm on my way to recovery, but I was sick, during all my midterms. Thank you, residence.

Okay, bedtime.