Monday, October 22, 2007

Dr. Henke and Dr. Edwards Quotes

Dr. Henke, Brain and Behavior

a little window popped up asking if the user wanted to install a speech recognition feature
Henke: What's this speech recognition thing do?
class responded: Just say no!
one student explained it...
Henke looked incredulous: ....seriously?

The point is, eh, it's easy. (the class broke out in laughter)

Inside, negative, outside...well, you guessed it. Positive.

Henke: They got all the multiple choice right.
girl in the back says very quietly: Must have been a damn good guesser.
the whole class heard and chuckled for abotu a minute solid

And that's why they call me Easy Pete.

And that's why they call me Diagram Pete. (these last two are golden standards)

someone's phone was making a weird beeping sound
Is it time to take a pill?

Are you with me?! Some of you are. Some of you are noncommittal.

Henke: So, psychometrically, this test would be all know psychometrics...this would psychometrically be considered....
Student A: hard?
Henke: ...come on, big distribution of scores, not bimodal....psychometrically this is...(this went on for a looong while)
Student B: WE DON'T KNOW!!
Henke: It discriminates well! You ever thought of that???????

Dr. Edwards, History and Theory of Psychology

How do I know? 'Cause I'm smart as hell.

How am I doing doctor? Well, geeze, I don't know. Could be your leg. Could be your arsehole.
(on why sometimes an imbalance of power is nice, so someone who knows will tell us what to do)

Nothing like the idea of quizzes coming back to make the class go silent. You students are so predictable.

talking about the quizzes...
Some of you went on to say some interesting...well, some reasonably interesting things....

The examples I give are ludicrous and simple....because....that's just the way I am.

I don't want a relativist building my airplane.

You gotta take a few Prozacs if you want to go down that road.


Are these boring? Eh, whatever, I don't care. I keep track of quotes for fun anyways, and typing them up is almost as fun.