Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Crazy Button Lady, that's me.

I was going to respond to the comments on the last entry with another comment, but it started getting really long, so I thought why not just make it a post.

So! I myself have toyed with the idea of going private (on my blog). There are sooooo many mean things I would say. You wouldn't believe the amount of self-restraint that I exercise when it comes to talking about some people. Typically, these people I want to talk about aren't likely to even read my blog, but it's there for them to discover--especially since I import this to Facebook. There are a lot of old high school acquaintances I would like to have little chats about, for instance.

However, not only would the password entry get really annoying, there are also a few pretty regular readers who I'm almost certain I don't know, and so I wouldn't be able to hook them up with the password or anything. And I like the random people who stop in. So, yeah, I wouldn't want to deny anyone the amazing experience of my blog.

Well, Ben, I've completely revamped my homepage. All my individual blog RSS feeds are out, Google Reader is in, and I'll report back on how I like it after a while using it. It's nice that it frees the space up for other homepagey things. I can't find a weather app that I really like, though....I've tried about ten so far. Haha, nm, I've just found one that I'm satisfied with.

I've finally found a friend with black spandex shorts that I can borrow for my Halloween costume of Radical Edward. Haven't seen them yet, but I think they'll work out fine, hopefully. Now my challenge is the hair dye and the goggles. I thought that at hte very least I had swimming goggles as a back-up...but I can't seem to even find those.

Buy me my ticket, Ben, and I'll be your main man for the campaign. :) Hah, that's such a lie. Well, actually, if it involved non-house ot house things I think I'd be okay. I could picture manning a base of operations or something. Everyone would have to call me Captain Mandy. And I'd make buttons. Yeah, in reality I think I'd be the crazy lady sittign in the corner with that button press thing.

So, buy me a ticket, Ben, and I'll be your Crazy Button Lady.